Saturday, July 22, 2017

Nine Things All Master Manifestors Understand

I have been working with manifesting a creative wonderful life for the past 8 years now.  It has been quite a journey and I have had my ups and downs through it all.  I must say,  I feel very well versed in the Law of Attraction.  It is certainly an art and not all things work for all people.  However there are some basic principles all good manifestors have an understanding of.  Here are a few I would like to share:

  • UNDERSTAND that there is more out there than meets the eye.  There is more to you than meets the eye as well.  The greater part of you is high energy, high vibration leading you to your hopes and dreams.  The world is a magical place!

  • TRUST in right timing and right action.  Trusting that all is right with the world and most especially trusting the universe has your back.  

  • REALIZE that anything is possible!

  • BE MINDFUL of your words.  Avoid words such as "never and always"  Let go of lack statements of all kinds such as "I don't have...." "I don't want...."  Instead say "Wouldn't it be nice if..."  

  • LOVE MONEY take care of your money like you take of of your favorite belongings.  Have a loving relationship with it.  Be thankful for the everyday things money provides for.  Save $5.00 dollars for the next 5 weeks for something that feeds your soul or continue saving and watch it grow in gratitude. 

  • CONVERSE with the universe.  Ask for what you want and continually refine your desires as you reach greater heights.  Pay attention as the universe will bring you what you have asked for, often times in little ways we don't always recognize.  For example, if you ask for help with a challenge, are listening and receptive to the answer?

  • GRATITUDE and being present in the moment not only will bring to you all of your hopes and desires, it will also lead you to a more relaxed and balanced life.  All great manifestors are greatful for all they have.  They are even grateful for the things they have yet to recieve.

  • MEDITATION is any process that leads you to an inner state of relaxed awareness. The nervous system reponds differently to stressful situations and creativity flows more freely.

  • "THIS OR BETTER" is what you tag onto the end of anything you are asking for.